Tattoo artist inks path to reinvention for clients


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Sep 27, 2023

Tattoo artist inks path to reinvention for clients

If “Beauty is only Skin Deep,” that may be just fine with Craig Beasley. In

If "Beauty is only Skin Deep," that may be just fine with Craig Beasley. In fact, it might be the truth that drives him every day.

Craig Beasley is a tattoo artist. And yes, one could say he wears his profession on his "sleeve." Both of his arms are tattooed. Back, check. Legs, yes. And probably other places the Democrat didn't ask about. But one thing is clear, Beasley feels that what he does is more than simple "body art."

More than a primitive obsession every culture has had for drawing on their own skin. Instead, Beasley comes to work every day believing that he is in fact changing people's lives for the better—and doing it tangibly.

Craig Beasley is the owner of Monument Tattoos on Monroe Street. Far from a grimy storefront where only inebriated sailors would feel comfortable, Beasley's establishment is spacious, elegant in an alternatively artistic way, and very, very clean.

The lobby walls, like all the walls here, are covered in tattoo designs. That means finely detailed, colored drawings that sweep and coil into dragons, flowers, peacocks, fish, and gorgeous mandalas that have the potential to become the outer covering of Monument's patrons. A double set of hand-carved lacquered wood benches serve as seating for those awaiting their turn. Beasley says that on Saturdays, the benches will be full —somewhat like a railroad waiting room.

Beyond lies an intimate alcove with a cozy booth where Beasley consults with clients before even thinking about touching them with ink. And filling the entire rear of the 3,000-foot building, lies a sprawling studio where all seven of the permanent artists can work on clients at the same time.

Beasley has been at the shop since 10 a.m. Clients won't arrive until around 11. But the preparation for their procedures will take nearly an hour. Beasley and an assistant have laid out the implements for their work like surgeons preparing for a patient.

On the artist's station — a wooden work area something like a dining room breakfront — a metal tray is covered with a disposable cover. Another paper covering lies along the front edge making for a clean shoot from the tray which holds the skin inks in tiny containers. The plastic alcohol and soap bottles are also covered in wrap; even the electric cord which runs from a tiny motor on a vertical stand to the inking needle is covered in clean wrapping.

"Cleanliness and proper care and disposal of everything we work with is paramount," says Beasley. He points to red "sharps containers" at each station for used inking needles. And the selection of just the right needles, like artist's brushes, is important.

Beasley leads back to a large and carefully organized supply room like the ones found in hospitals or clinics. In covered plastic bins are disposable "grips" into which a needle and on the other end, a tiny pulsating motor and the power wire, will be inserted. The grips are like elongated rubber balls that will help to cushion the vibrations and steady the grip of the artist who may be at one procedure for upwards of five or six hours.

The needles, in their sterile wrappers, come in a dozen sizes and with tips ranging from one hollow needle to five or six that are tightly grouped to form a kind of "brush." Depending on the effect he wants, Beasley can outline or shade, or even create "watercolor-like" flows of color.

He picks several needles and chooses blacks for the job today from bins of inks. Made from a variety of organic sources from flowers to roots, Beasley says that no artificial inks are ever used. Often, he will blend colors, sometimes lay one color over another to achieve different effects. Sometimes he uses color to completely change a no longer wanted tattoo into something new and beautiful. He could also obliterate the name of a "Suzy" to prepare the backdrop for the Megan or Becky to come.

Indeed, Craig Beasley sees what he does not only as art, but as a social service — a physical manifestation of a psychological change he can offer a client. He experienced the same thing himself.

He settles in for a moment in the consultation booth beneath a full-size plaster cast of a Greek frieze. "I was born with a cleft palate. I spoke differently and I looked different," says Beasley, who was born in Columbus, Georgia. As a "military brat" however, he didn't feel he had a permanent home.

"In middle school, I was lonely, always the new kid with few friends, and would just sit at home, stare into a mirror with self-loathing and draw self-portraits. It was a dark time." And then slowly, a kind of salvation came in the form of an "alternative" lifestyle. "I found music…punk rock… skateboarding. I kind of found a home with friends."

After high school, Beasley immediately joined the military. "I got my first tattoo just after boot camp." But the life of a Marine wasn't really for him, and after two years he was honorably released. One thing the military had provided however, was the opportunity to combine his artistic talents with what the enlisted men wanted — elaborate and custom-made designs for tattoos.

Here was something Beasley could love. And by the time he was 19, he had apprenticed himself to a tattoo mentor in Valdosta — married — and become the father of a baby girl. He has never looked back.

In the early years, with a devoted—and tattooed—wife at his side, Beasley traveled extensively to learn from other masters. "California, Atlanta, biker shops…wherever there was someone with talent to learn from." From cleaning the floors to absorbing new techniques and always drawing, Beasley began to accumulate his own devotees.

He often created designs for musicians, and soon was invited to accompany them on their tours, tattooing band members and roadies with tour memories. "Fall Out Boys," "Train," "L’il Wayne," "Boys Like Girls," have been "Beasley-inked." Other times, a "rock cruise" where upwards of 150 attendees who want to commemorate their music-infused sail will come home with permanent Beasley-memories.

But he says, even though going on the road for a month with a band is fun, he is at heart a family man. Now the father of four children — 16, 13, 11, 7— and an entrepreneur, he loves the life he has here. "Now, people fly in from out-of-town to be worked on by me," he smiles.

Still, he can't conceal his pleasure with a birthday gift his wife gave him recently. "She made an appointment with a tattoo artist I admire in Sweden. So, I flew there to get it — in a 17-hour session. Then he came here! Now our families are friends. That's what this community is like."

But now client,Tim Young has arrived. Tim, in sales for Georgia Pacific, already has a number of tattoos. "It's become much more acceptable over the years," he says. "My bosses see them and are fine with them." The one he's having worked on today, they probably won't be having a look at though.

Young is having a large design of a sea creature tattooed along his right buttock and thigh. "I just like to look at it," says Young. It has taken hours of consultation with Beasley to choose the right style and placement and more hours for Beasley to actually draw the work before a needle is slipped into the grip. And thus, a tattoo is not inexpensive. A full-back tattoo likely a 40-60 hour process, costing thousands of dollars. The shop minimum is $60.

Beneath two 135 watt filtered lamps, Young reclines on the table and exposes the work-in-progress. Today's session will take Beasley's minimum four hours. He works four hours in the morning and two in the afternoon, with time for a light lunch and what he calls a "stretch session" in between. Beginning the process of enhancing the outline he has created on Young's thigh earlier using a transfer stencil of his drawing, Beasley wipes off the "canvas" with alcohol.

Sometimes a topical anesthetic like Lidocaine is applied first, because as Young attests, "It does hurt." Beasley pulls on his gloves, makes sure the background music is at the right level and with just the right color ink pulled into the tattoo needle, he hunches next to Young and begins to shade in the scales of a serpent.

It is during these long sessions that a special communication between artist and subject tends to develop, Beasley says. "People often cry when they talk about why they’re here. Many people come here when they don't feel beautiful, when there are scars on the outside that hide the ones inside. When they have no confidence in themselves."

He recalls one large woman who was too ashamed of her body to take off her clothes at a beach. Yet, he says after receiving a large tattoo on her back, now people constantly admire her body art, and fail to notice what size she is or isn't. "From acne scars to surgeries, to earlier tattoo "mistakes," Beasley says he can see people's confidence change and their self-acceptance grow. Much as his own did so many years ago.

Beasley will be home with his family for dinner tonight. They’ll do homework, play some Uno, and maybe do a little drawing together. His daughter has recently become interested in body art — creating it on herself — and drawing a slight eye-roll from her professional father.

And his mother has ventured as far as to have a tiny peanut tattoo. For Craig Beasley, it's all good—what he calls a "dream life"—doing what he loves with the people he loves and feeling all of it is not just skin-deep.

Contact Marina Brown at [email protected].

The Tallahassee Democrat's A Day in the Life is a periodic series that looks at everyday occupations as well as jobs that are obscure. Have a suggestion? Contact Marina Brown at [email protected].