NJ tattoo artist has a warning for people looking to do their own


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May 04, 2023

NJ tattoo artist has a warning for people looking to do their own

Thinking about getting a tattoo? There’s a lot of thought that goes into it.

Thinking about getting a tattoo?

There's a lot of thought that goes into it. Where on the body do I want it? What is the design? Do I want it colored or black and white? How much is it going to cost?

Whatever you decide to do, make sure to go to a reputable professional tattoo artist in New Jersey and never buy one of those do-it-yourself kits that can be ordered online for a cheap price.

When tattoo artists began getting their supplies through the internet, that's when this fad started of people buying their own kits, said Gene Menges, tattoo artist and owner of Vision Tattoos in Brick.

Professional tattoo artists buy their supplies from reputable companies that require business licenses, and a brick-and-mortar address.

These professional tattoo machines cost about $800 each, Menges said, whereas these do-it-yourself machines are selling online for as little as $40.

Customers must be at least 18 years old to come into a tattoo parlor and get ink done, Menges said. Some businesses will allow 16-year-olds to get tattoos as long as a parent or guardian accompanies them to the appointment.

But many underage kids who want tattoos are ordering these kits online at a cheap price and nothing good can come from them, Menges said.

Some of the tip-of-the-iceberg dangers include crazy-looking tattoos which are permanent and don't come off, he said.

"But also, these machines, whether their junkers from an online source with no name behind them, are very quick-moving machines. To someone who doesn't know how to use them, it creates damage to the tissue and that's what opens you up to infection," Menges said.

Based on the number of needles that are in the grouping that people are using, some of these are moving at 7,000 punctures per minute. Menges said when you put that in perspective, that leaves quite a big hole in the skin.

Infection is the biggest consequence to come from using these do-it-yourself tattoo machine kits.

"You’re just going to end up getting really terrible tattooing done, but it does a tremendous amount of damage to your tissue. It leaves scar tissue, visible line work that you can see without touching it, and it will be raised off your skin," Menges said.

People are also running the risk of using equipment and ink that is not being sanctioned, he added.

Menges said unfortunately, there are always going to be run-of-the-mill businesses that take a product, see value in it, and unethically market it.

But with the equipment and ink that reputable tattoo artists purchase, businesses have certain demands on the consumer so that keeps everyone safe and that ensures the ink is safe, as well, he said.

But, when people get these kits from an online source, there are always going to be companies that have them and are willing to sell them. You don't know what the ink is made out of and they simply don't care, Menges said.

Menges said he's seen many tattoo-gone-wrong cases from people, especially kids, who used these kits come into his shop at 917 Cedarbridge Avenue. Oftentimes they messed it up and need it redone.

He said he's even met parents who knew their kids bought these online kits. They figured the kids are going to do it no matter what. Their thought is instead of doing a needle and thread style pin poke tattoo, they might as well have "the real stuff."

But Menges said the end result is always the same. They always wind up at a studio getting it fixed up or getting another tattoo they’d rather have instead of the one they gave themselves. It needs to be done professionally, he insisted.

A tattoo professional's main concern is the damage that can occur when an untrained person does this kind of thing out of the home. All the risk of infection aside, the amount of damage these machines can create in an untrained hand, is paramount, Menges said.

"We’re always going to steer you in a direction that's what's best for you. We listen to the things that you’re telling us, your wants and needs, and we’re here to help you make educated decisions. That's the number one reason why we’re here. We’re here to make you happy and make sure you don't get hurt in the process," Menges said.

Jen Ursillo is a reporter and anchor for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach her at [email protected]

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