Guest: We need leaders who put Oklahoma and the nation first


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Aug 19, 2023

Guest: We need leaders who put Oklahoma and the nation first

We are seriously divided as a nation. We need leaders willing to work on

We are seriously divided as a nation. We need leaders willing to work on building bridges, advancing social reforms and acting on legislation for even more funding for public education and programs to raise the least of us from poverty and to implement sensible gun reform. Since when do we go backward and act punitively toward those Americans of different persuasions? We are not an authoritarian country. We are still a democracy. True leaders look to our legacy as a great nation, though far from perfect, to insure freedoms for all Americans regardless.

However, the divisions we have are being accelerated at a record pace by culturally conservative legislation sweeping across red states including Oklahoma. This concerted agenda promoted by a farther right element of the GOP and Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC) is quickly reshaping prior GOP goals away from traditional small government, lower tax priorities to a strong push for culturally based legislation. The effect is a dramatic change in civil liberties, abortion rights, public education curriculums, book banning and diminished rights for LGBTQ+ communities.

Make no mistake, this is a coordinated attack promoted and ascribed to by Republican governors and legislatures across America. And, in Oklahoma. Red vs. Blue, and it is a very real coordinated strategy. Governors and more conservative legislators in red states all follow the same playbook. It is no coincidence policies are the same. Not original to a leader, but to a coordinated script.

To move us forward means finding leaders with the courage to embrace change, bipartisanship, enhancing civil liberties and putting all people first over ambition or political expediency. And challenging a lockstep approach to governing.

We have too few elected willing to act independently of a uniform strategy and they completely endorse singular political party agendas. These politicians are not leaders. They unite with a concerted group agenda that usually means more about self-interest than acting wisely. We suffer from a leadership vacuum in our nation.

Losing the vision and courage to move social justice, tolerance and civil liberties forward risks undermining our democracy. In Washington, D.C., a purely political game of chicken over the debt ceiling risked severely damaging our credit rating and throwing us into a recession with severe global economic repercussions. For what? Personal party agenda — again. The speaker of the House seemed more concerned about keeping his job over acting in the best interests of the nation. These hostage-type acts to move a political needle are uncalled for and unnecessary. Negotiate future appropriations, not create a dangerous political spectacle. The debt ceiling was approved multiple times during the last administration and the Republicans approved the appropriations thrown into this crisis. It shows politicians are motivated too much by self-interest over reasonable compromise.

We do not need cultural warfare or diminishing one group of Americans for the benefit of others. This is not who we are as a great people. We cannot put the few over the many. Inclusion should not be a political football. Ideology that preys on people's fears instead of focused on uniting us should never be accepted in these United States. We are not an autocracy.

Nationally and locally, we are allowing politicians to hide behind party doctrine and agendas. These politicians have given up any courage to act independently. Republicans claim to be conservative. However, the "Grand Old Party" we once knew has been hijacked by a farther right minority. Moving away from true conservatism, they have sacrificed principle for power.

We need leaders who put this state and nation first. That have the courage to act independently and not act out of self-interest. Where are the Washingtons, Lincolns, Roosevelts, Eisenhowers, Kennedys and Reagans? Select the next slate of candidates wisely, voice your opinions, call them to account and we must vote. Our democracy depends on us to act wisely and protect our legacy as a great and benevolent nation. We need accountable leaders that rise above partisan politics.

Phil G. Busey Sr. is chairman and CEO of DRG and The Busey Group of Cos.