22 Wild Facts About The Human Body That Are Actually Really, Really Fascinating


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Jul 21, 2023

22 Wild Facts About The Human Body That Are Actually Really, Really Fascinating

—u/shadow29warrior —u/Jar-JarShotFirst69 —u/GasTsnk87 —u/AdmiralClover







"In dental school, I learned this fact when practicing taking impressions on each other. My buddy's tongue kept licking my finger. I asked him to quit licking me, and he was like, 'I can't help it!' And then, we switched places, and my tongue wouldn't leave him alone. And for those of you that don't think your tongue does this: Some of you are right. But the majority of you just think your tongue is behaving, but it is all over the place without you even knowing."



"If it doesn't work, you're doing something wrong: not getting close enough, the image is too small on your phone, you're not closing the correct eye, or not keeping your gaze fixed on the cross. It isn't because you don't have a blind spot."











"There's more bacteria than human cells in our bodies."



"I've had two of those! The one I had removed when I was 18 was full of different bits of bone, hair, teeth, and when it grew back when I was 29, it was half hair, half sebum."






Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.